
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Continue Collage
Today we continue our collage by use our picture we have and paste it in the A4 paper, then when we get alot of picture we should ask our friend how do they feel with the picture because our assignment is to come and create a collage that can make people feel something and my feeling that most of the people looks and feel is fresh and cool because i use blue and most i would use the light one.


Today Mr. Pat is given us our new work and it was making "collage". First when I know that we would need to do collage, I was very glad! because i like doing collage. Mr.Pat said to us that "You need to chose one color that can have tint and shades. First i chose yellow then i realize that yellow is hard to find so i have change into color blue. It was so easy to find because the water is blue, the sky is blue, most of the thing have blue, and i like blue! In the lesson i did quite well on finding the picture but sometime i play with my friends so i didn't concentrate alot.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Our island in humanity

In our class in humanity lesson, we have been making an island and our island was build around the bermilda triangle. Our class had a little competition with the other class that who's island would be more beautiful. Step one in this project we start with our plan, step 2. we have a huge cardboard 3. we start draw the island shape 4. we make a scrap the newspaper and the scotchtape inside our island shape 5. we use a bit of newspaper that been tear and put it in to glue then stick it all over step 4 6.the we paste some thing that look like a mud into the island wait until it dry. 7. then we add detal of the tree with that mud again. 8.we paint the island 9.we add a details of the river, the town (etc.)